Revelation Software delivers it's OpenInsight application development environment through a web-based program called OpenInsight WORKS. OpenInsight WORKS is an annual subscription program that delivers members OpenInsight product and upgrades, as well as maintenance, support and service features.
What You Get
OpenInsight WORKS delivers the following software, support, services and resources on an ongoing basis throughout the term of your annual contract:
- OpenInsight application development environment for 3 users
- Universal Driver (NUL)
- OpenInsight maintenance and upgrades
- OpenInsight technical support - telephone and web-based
- OpenInsight technical content and resources (white papers, samples, and other resources)
All of the above is delivered through the OpenInsight WORKS web site, a private area of Revelation Software's web site dedicated to providing support and service to the OpenInsight WORKS subscribers.
How To Subscribe to OpenInsight Works
Contact our Customer Care Department at 800-262-4747 or 201-594-1422 to join the OpenInsight WORKS program.