IN DEVELOPMENT Development on Data Encryption at Rest (RTIDER) is progressing and will be included in the OpenInsight 9.3 release due out later this year. OpenInsight 9.3 will incorporate a new “encryption service” that system administrators can deploy to encrypt (on a field by field level) data in OpenInsight. The data will be “encrypted at rest” using industry standard encryption routines (configurable amongst TRIPLEDES, AES, etc.) Clients and the encryption service will use the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to communicate, thus ensuring the data is also encrypted in transit.
Some industries such as healthcare are required by law to have encrypted data. Are you in compliance?
AUTUMN 2011 TRAINING CALENDAR The Autumn 2011 Training Calendar has been published. Please note that classes resume in September. Click HERE for the Class schedule.
VIDEO OF THE MONTH This month we are presenting an O4W Proof of Concept Application created by MARTYN PHILLIPS of REVSOFT UK. In Martyn's own words "... this video shows just what a non professional developer can achieve with a little time, a little help and a wonderful Web 2.0 product from Revelation Software." You can view the video HERE.
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REVELATION USERS' CONFERENCE 2011 The Revelation Users' Conference will be returning to the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference dates are Tuesday, October 4th - Friday, October 7th, 2011. Check outREVELATIONCONFERENCE.COM for complete conference details. Knowledge is Power, take your seat for learning.
Revelation Software is pleased to welcomeThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as software developers. We wish them good luck in their new careers.
TECH TIPS Did you know...that you can dramatically change the look and feel of your O4W web pages through the use of themes andCascading Style Sheets (CSS).
You can easily specify which theme you want jQuery (and thus O4W) to use on the O4W Configuration Screen's Scripts tab.
CSS allows complete and total control over the style of a hypertext document. The folks at Zen Garden clearly demonstrate what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. To further emphasize this concept we have written an O4W program that allows you to change the CSS (provided by Zen Garden) and/or jQuery themes on the fly without any modification to the O4W program. Click HERE to test drive this program.