In a previous post we looked at some the enhancements to the version 10 System Monitor to make it a more user-friendly tool.  However, one of the features we didn’t mention was the addition of a Basic+ property API so you can interact with it from your own programs and tools if you wish.  This API is exposed via the new SYSTEMMONITOR object, which supports the following properties:

  • SIZE
  • TEXT

And the following method:

  • RUN

HANDLE property

This property returns the window handle (HWND) of the System Monitor window.

RESULTS property

This property returns the contents of the results edit box in the System Monitor.

SIZE property

This property gets and sets the size and position of the System Monitor window.  It has the same format as the normal OpenInsight WINDOW SIZE property.

TEXT property

This property gets and sets the caption text of the System Monitor window.

VISIBLE property

This property gets and sets the visibility of the System Monitor window.  It has the same format as the normal OpenInsight WINDOW VISIBLE property

RUN method

This method executes a system monitor command.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).